C’est dans le ciel Fireworks Finale – August 5, La Ronde LiveEvents July 30, 2017 2724 33rd L’International des Feux Loto-Québec C’est dans le ciel: Serge Fiori and Harmonium Finale des Étoiles Loto-Québec 2017 A magical evening highlighting the music of Serge Fiori and Harmonium, which inspired generations from the 1970s to the present. This year’s closing firework display that features the music of Serge Fiori and Harmonium will certainly be one of the most memorable ever. The wonderful soundtrack is the result of the collaboration between Serge Fiori, Louis Valois and Paul Csukassy, Technical Director of the competition. Together, they created a musical montage that will bring us back to the Harmomium years and relive the mythical atmosphere that characterizes the works of Serge Fiori. The marriage of inspiring fireworks, a creation of GFA Pyro, and the music of Serge Fiori and Harmonium is truly magical. GFA PYRO is a Quebec’s company born from the partnership between Concept Fiatlux and Ampleman Pyrotechnie, two pioneers of the Canadian pyrotechnics industry. Together, they have participated more than 17 times in the IFLQ and out-of-competition firework displays. The fireworks start at 10 pm, rain or shine. Fore more information: www.sixflags.com/larondeen/linternational-des-feux La Ronde proudly presents the 33rd edition of L’International des Feux Loto-Québec. In keeping with the tradition, this year’s edition is a succession of world-class displays. From July 1st to August 5th, on Saturday and Wednesday nights, Montreal’s sky will light up with outstanding fireworks displays by some of the greatest pyrotechnic artists of the world. A dazzling blend of past and present, tradition and innovation, this year’s edition will mark the 375th anniversary of Montreal and the 50th anniversary of La Ronde. Performances at 10 pm. For more information, visit www.laronde.com