Women’s Art Society of Montreal – May 2017 events LiveEvents May 4, 2017 4147 Women’s Art Society of Montreal presents: Thursday, May 11, 2017: Visual Artist, SHARRON M. GALLAGHER “Journey on a Road Less Travelled” from 1:30 to 2:30pm at the McCord Museum, 690 Sherbrooke West Nonmembers $10. www.wasmtl.org or 514-495-3701 Sharron Gallagher is a native Montrealer, who, after 27 years as a Nursing Professor at Dawson, redirected her creative and observational skills into Art production. She has earned a Master of Education [McGill], B.Arts and B.Nursing [University of New Brunswick], a R.N. at St Mary’s Hospital School of Nursing. Since 2001, Sharron has studied a wide range of courses at Visual Arts. She has had several artist mentors. Her first artist teacher/mentor was Jackie Rae Wloski, who also introduced her to WASM. She has seen the world with an artist’s eye as she travelled with painting seminars in France [Paris, Provence], Spain, Costa Rica, Vietnam and Cambodia. Helga Schleeh was the primary artist teacher. {Helga was a guest speaker at WASM in 2015} Italy will be Sharron’s new destination for study this fall. These last few years, she has been studying colours and abstraction with the artist-teacher Marilyn Rubenstein. Sharron has participated in Leslie Saeta’s Fine Art Challenge of ‘30 paintings in 30 days’ three times in the last 2 years. This action-packed experience helped her explore how to present art on the internet as well as using many different approaches and ideas within a daily deadline. Sharron continues to explore photography and uses her photographs as inspiration for her work. In Spring 2016 she participated in her first trio-artist show with Barbara Sweeney, Jeannine Varalta at the Complexe du Canal Lachine. Since 2009, Sharron has shown her work in art shows associated with the following: WASM, Stewart Hall Art Gallery, Women’s Studio of Montreal, Mount Royal Cemetery, Association des Artistes de LaSalle, Square Affair at Centre Arts Visual. www.sharronmgallagher.net Annual Members’ Juried Art Show & Sale Friday, May 12, 2017 from 2pm to 8pm Saturday, May 13 & Sunday, May 14, 2017 from 10am to 5pm Vernissage: Saturday, May 13, 2017 from 2pm to 5pm Concordia’s Grey Nun’s Residence Hall 1190 Guy Street (between St. Catherine & René Lévesque) Entry Free www.wasmtl.org or 514-495-3701 The Women’s Art Society of Montreal invites you to become a member of our group, where you can connect with like-minded people who enjoy the arts. We gather bimonthly on Tuesdays at the McCord Museum from 1:30 to 2:30 pm to listen to great talks. For more information visit: www.womensartsociety.com or call 514-495-3701. Founded in 1894 and incorporated in 1968, the Women’s Art Society of Montreal has played an important role in fostering awareness and understanding of the arts among the general public of the city. As one of the earliest organizations for women artists, the Women’s Art Society of Montreal helped pave the way for the integration of women into the art world. Nowadays, the Women’s Art Society is more social and educational than professional in nature since various opportunities and avenues of support are open to female artists.