Choeur Classique de Montréal presents

Rossini and Bruckner

Rossini – Stabat Mater / Bruckner – Te Deum

The Choeur Classique de Montréal proudly presents two very different pieces of sacred repertoire.
In addition to the Choeur Classique de Montréal, four soloists and the Montreal Symphony Orchestra will be featured in this eclectic concert.
The 170 performers on stage will perform Rossini’s lyrical flights and Bruckner’s tribute of religious exultation under the direction of Louis Lavigueur.

Marianne Lambert   – soprano
Noëlla Huet – mezzo soprano
Éric Thériault – tenor
Patrick Mallette  – bass

For information and tickets: 514-842-2112 or 1-866-842-2112