100% Montréal – May 25-28, Théâtre Jean-Duceppe LiveEvents May 18, 2017 3114 100% Montréal Celebration of Montreal’s 375th Anniversary Opening show of the 11th edition of the Festival TransAmériques The German collective Rimini Protokoll presents a made-to-measure piece for Montreal’s 375th anniversary celebrations, a work that aims to paint a dynamic demographic portrait of Montreal, giving the city a very human face. Never have statistics been so full of life! Just who are Montrealers, and what’s on their minds? Onstage 100 citizens portray 100% of the city’s population. Men, women or trans, adults, children and teenagers, atheists, Muslims and Jews, they draw a map of Montreal in a vibrant, exhilarating exercise in self-portrayal. In this survey probe by the masters of documentary theatre the Rimini Protokoll collective, Montrealers will see themselves as they really are. Who avoids paying taxes? Who is against the wearing of the veil in public places? Who has cheated on his/her lover or spouse? Without any filters, without beating around the bush, the courageous participants of 100% Montréal respond to all questions, both the banal and the very serious. Moving onstage as though in an organic diagram — never have statistics been so full of life! — they incarnate public opinion in sensitive fashion, dramatically revealing its unpredictable movements. A candid look at the multiple identities of our city. In French with English surtitles Length: 1h40 Opening show of the 11th edition of the Festival TransAmériques For more information and tickets: www.placedesarts.com 514-842-2112 or 1-866-842-2112