Sam Roberts Band © Paul LabonteSam Roberts Band – December 16-17, Corona Theatre LiveEvents December 10, 2016 3627 Sam Roberts Band With: Hollerado Canadian singer/songwriter Sam Roberts released his first true debut in 2002, The Inhuman Condition, which became the best-selling independent release in Canadian history. Five successful albums followed. In March of 2016, Sam Roberts Band holed themselves up at the Bathouse, The Tragically Hip’s studio near Kingston, Ontario to record their sixth full-length album, TerraForm. They went in with the lake still covered by ice and emerged 4 weeks later, in the first days of spring, bearing with them new music… The album takes flight with the title track TerraForm, a story of escape from the ashes of a dying world. “Terraforming is the idea of going to another planet and making it viable for humans. For this record, I saw it as planting the seeds for that same sort of renewal in your own life – that regardless of how much you have broken the parts of your life along the way, there is always a chance to start over… for yourself and the people you care about” says Roberts. “Most of these songs are love songs, but love songs that grapple with it’s many faces – beautiful and ugly, healing and destructive.” The album closes with Spring Fever and the sounds of life bubbling back to the surface. We’ve come full-circle, we have a chance to do it all over again. In the chorus Roberts sings “We’re on our way… Don’t know where we’re going but we’re here today.” An acknowledgement that the future is a web of unknown possibilities but that we have the gift of being alive right now! Sam Roberts Band has partnered with Plus 1 so that $1 from every ticket will go to support War Child and their work with war-affected communities to help children reclaim their childhood through access to education, opportunity and justice ( For tickets and information, visit: 514-931-2088 Corona Theatre 2490 Notre-Dame West, Montreal