Intimate concerts

Mara Tremblay

A trio with a palpable and infectious complicity

Mara Tremblay, in a trio formula, wends her way between radiant poetry and raw passion in a perfect balance of rock and intimacy. Backed by Sunny Duval on guitars and keyboards and Victor Tremblay-Desrosiers on drums, Mara will find inspiration in the idyllic setting of this magnificent garden to express all the flavorful duality of her musical worlds.

August 21, 2016 at 2:00pm

For more information visit:

Practical information
The shows will take place just North of the Japanese Garden.
Performances are free with the purchase of a ticket to the Botanical Garden.
Exceptionally, chairs are permitted on the site.
Shows will be cancelled only in cases of extreme weather conditions (windstorm, torrential rain, etc.).
Umbrellas are permitted.

Botanical Garden
4101 Sherbrooke Street East
Montreal, QC Canada
H1X 2B2