Photo: Rafael-PinhoThe Explosive Sonics of Divinity – March 3, Theatre Maisonneuve LiveEvents February 28, 2016 3583 The Explosive Sonics of Divinity To coincide with the exhibition Ragnar Kjartansson, on view at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal from February 10 to May 22, 2016, the Musée is proud to present the North American premiere of Der Klang der Offenbarung des Göttlichen (The Explosive Sonics of Divinity), a theatre production featuring the stirring music of Kjartan Sveinsson, a former member of the group Sigur Rós, and a succession of canvases painted by artist Ragnar Kjartansson as stage sets. This play without actors is performed by 39 musicians and 16 choristers of the Orchestre Métropolitain. A homage to classic stage design, with a romantic, Wagnerian spirit. For one evening only, this spellbinding experience is not to be missed! For more information and tickets: 514-842-2112 or 1-866-842-2112