Les Grands Ballets Canadiens presents

Death and the Maiden

By Stephan Thoss

Inspired by the eponymous score by Franz Schubert, this creation is rooted in Greek mythology: the abduction of Kore, the daughter of Demeter, goddess of the harvest, by the God of Hell, Death. This myth, a veritable analogy of the cycle of seasons, is Stephan Thoss’ inspiration. Death and the Maiden is sure to be a meditation on the themes of time, from youth to old age. German expressionism and perpetual movement are hallmarks of this deeply moving ballet.


For tickets and information:  www.laplacedesarts.com  514-842-2112 or 1-866-842-2112

Les Grands Ballets Pre-Show Talks 

Beginning an hour before each performance, spectators are invited to pre-show talks. These exciting half-hour talks are a rare opportunity to gain insight on the work presented.  Each pre-show talk will be hosted by journalist Shelley Pomerance who will share anecdotes on the production’s creative process, inspiration, music and costumes.

Purchase a ticket at the cost of 5$ at Place des Arts ticket office counter. Admission is free for Les Grands Ballets subscribers. Please note that for individual ticket holders, both the performance ticket and the pre-show talk ticket will be required at the entrance.