World Premiere

Triplex Nervosa

By Marianne Ackerman
Directed by Roy Surette

Clever and comical.
This house of cards is about to collapse.

A young woman has maxed out her credit cards and put a promising music career on hold to buy a triplex in Montreal’s trendy Mile End, only to find that the charming but stubborn Hassidic previous owner and her motley crew of tenants won’t co-operate with her needs. When she and her handy-man conspire to make one particularly difficult tenant’s life less comfortable, things go terribly wrong. A comedy about art, property and the trials and tribulations of nouveau-hipster neighbourhoods. And there’s music!

Marianne loves Montreal and knows how to imbue her characters with truth and humour.
What better way to close Season 46 than with this large and audacious comedy!

– Roy Surette

For tickets and information:    514-288-3161