King Tut’s Treasures – Until August 31, at the Old Port LiveEvents August 14, 2014 13454 The Treasures of Toutankhamon TREASURES FROM A MYSTERIOUS TIME Until August 31, in the heart of Montreal, discover the treasures of King Tut through a unique exhibition presented in Hangar 16. After a wildly successful world tour, the exhibition is now assembled and presented for the first time in North America to showcase a collection of over 400 perfect replicas of works of art, mystery and gold that will fascinate visitors young and old. A fascinating outing for the whole family! The most well-known of the Egyptian pharaohs thanks to the discovery of his tomb in almost perfect condition, the story of this young king still revels in fascination and mystery. The exhibition takes advantage of the most important archaeological find in history and offers visitors an opportunity to discover each object in the order in which they were discovered with all the drama that surrounded each one. Explore this pharaoh’s funerary chamber including the mummy, the golden mask, and the golden throne, just to name a few. Don’t miss this chance to see a perfect replica of the young king’s iconic burial mask presented for the first time to the public. Sunday – Thursday 11:00 Am to 9:00 pm Friday & Saturday 11:00 am to 10:30pm Hanger 16, Clock Tower Quay, Old Port For tickets and information visit: The.Treasures.of.Tutankhamon