Despite some challenges – the market looks good for 2014 Philip Clement January 21, 2014 4355 Dear Montrealers, first of all I would like to thank all my readers for the phone calls, e-mails and texts. As we turn the page on 2013 and move into the 2014 Spring Market, I do not have enough sales compiled in 2014 to supply an accurate image of the current market. However I will use this column to reflect on last year’s sales in select communities and provide my opinion on where the market is heading this year. Here is a chart representing the decrease and/or increase of Average Selling prices and Number of Houses Sold in various municipalities in the city. I have also begun to report the St-Lambert market, one of the oldest communities in the South Shore of Montreal. This chart compares the sales of 2013 with those of 2012. We have registered decreases almost across the board in both categories. Montreal West has performed very well last year compares not only to 2012, but also with 2011. I would like to take the time to point out that I have conducted several transactions in Montreal West in 2012 including the largest sale of the year on Ballantyne North, (Second largest sale in the history of MW). Despite the construction of the new MUHC, NDG and Westmount have sold a similar number of homes than previous years, but with a significant decrease in the average price of homes sold. With the large number of homes on the market during the year, I am not surprised by this end result. Many times in previous articles of mine, I have discussed the impacts of being in a Buyers Market. 2014 Predictions It is somewhat difficult to forecast the market conditions for 2014 because of the change from a stable market we have experienced since 2011. That being said, contrary to what many people believe, 2013 was in fact a good year, the real estate market in Quebec faced many challenges. I believe that in 2014 we will have an even better year. It will be important to also compare this year’s results with those from 2012 as well to see if we remain on track. I have some new properties coming to market in the spring market (Beginning of February), I would like to be prepared in advance and hit the ground running with all my listings when the time is right so if your new years resolution was to sell your home this year, please do not hesitate to call. I offer free evaluations and can have your home sold before you know it. Contact me for more information.