Margaret closes out the year by making a home down payment loan to her daughter – without denting her portfolio The Montrealer December 11, 2006 4842 Margaret’s cell phone rings. It’s her daughter. She has a request. She’s finally made the decision to buy a home and needs $50,000 to help with the down-payment. Her friend Paul’s curious. How will Margaret handle this “Life’s quite predictable,” Margaret appears unflappable, so Zen. “The reality is that my financial advisor prepared me for events like this by setting aside a percentage of my portfolio for contingencies, whatever that might be. At the time, I thought she meant something wonderful like a trip around the world or, not so pleasant, a medical emergency. Today I see it’s something quite different.” Paul agrees. For much of our lives, we worry about whether or not we’re going to be ok, whether we’ll “make it” or not. There’s the constant concern about having enough, the waiting for the next pay-cheque. And now all the fuss about having enough on which to retire! How much is enough? And in some circles, the unending pressure of keeping up appearances keeps competitive people on edge, never mind the cost. Margaret interrupts his train of thought. “You know, there’s not one shred of evidence that supports the notion that life is serious. I’m realizing that more and more. I just love the onset of winter because I know the holidays put everyone in a good mood. Even if it’s only for a short period of time, it’s fun to imagine having the same spirit throughout the year. Let me share my New Year’s life and financial resolutions with you.” Have fun every day. Life is a gift to relish, cherish and enjoy. Pride myself on having the patience to buy and hold dividend growing stocks because my income doubles every 6 years. When I get upset about my month end statement, remember the key is to understand the difference between income from investments, and the market value of those investments. Market fluctuations are irrelevant. Continue tracking every penny I spend because it’s a great habit that keeps me mindful of my choices. Listen to my portfolio manager who has my best interests at heart. Refer her lots of clients who will be receptive to her group’s services! These are Margaret’s last words for the year 2006. She’s enjoyed sharing her insights this year with everyone and hopes she’s kept her repetitious praises for dividend growing stocks to a minimum. It’s hard for her, you know, to keep her secrets to herself, especially when she sees so many people struggling with concerns about money, or the lack thereof. She sends her warmest greetings for the Season to everyone. Let us take this opportunity to wish everyone the best of health, good cheers, lots of love and laughter, and may the New Year bring you everything you’ve asked for. And don’t forget to call us, Adena Franz and Pina Tria, at 514-394-3771 for a risk-free, confidential meeting to talk about money. Begin the New Year right! Record of Companies Paying Dividends Company Year Dividend % increase from previous yr Royal Bank 2006 1.44 22% 2005 1.18 17% 2004 1.01 17% 2003 0.86 13% Bank of Montreal 2006 2.26 22% 2005 1.85 16% 2004 1.59 19% Call us at 514-394-3771 for a risk-free, confidential meeting to discuss how you too can enjoy increasing income. You won’t regret it. The Adena Franz Group has over 16 years’ experience of successful portfolio management and is with the independent firm MacDougall, MacDougall and MacTier Inc. 1010 de la Gauchetière West, Suite 2000 Montreal, Qc H3B 4J1 Phone: 514-394-3771 Email: [email protected] The information contained in this article is for general information purposes only. It does not account for specific investment objectives or the financial situation of any person reading it. Opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of MacDougall, MacDougall & MacTier Inc. Investors should seek professional advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in any securities discussed or recommended here and should recognize that statements regarding future prospects may not be realized.