A unique new product for those sandy beach holidays mikecohen June 1, 2012 6962 One of the things I look most forward to in the summer is spending time at the beach. Here in Montreal we do not have a lot of options. There is Cap St. Jacques, the Beach Club and Super Aqua Club in Point Calu...
Tourism in Toronto continues to boom mikecohen May 1, 2012 6360 Travel Spotlight: Mike Cohen TORONTO- You need not wonder why the City of Toronto’s tourism business continues to boom. Between Broadway musical productions, exciting attractions, wonderful dining options an...
New Smyrna Beach – a unique Florida gem donnacarter May 1, 2012 4754 It can be difficult living in the shadow of giants but it doesn’t’t seem to bother New Smyrna Beach, an Old-style Florida town on the state‘s east coast an hour northeast of Orlando and minutes south of Daytona...
Celebrity Eclipse: a beautiful ship and magnificent staff The Montrealer May 1, 2012 12168 Celebrity consistently earns the highest cruise industry guest satisfaction ratings Celebrity Cruises enjoys the highest satisfaction ratings in the cruise industry, and The Eclipse has earned the highest rati...
VIA Rail – a better way to travel ‘the corridor’ The Montrealer May 1, 2012 11814 A journey that includes a hot meal accompanied by wine and concluded with chocolates and a liqueur is a fine way to travel from Point A to Point B. Make those ‘points’ Montreal to Toronto or Montreal to Quebec ...
Ireland, My Ireland sharmanyarnell April 1, 2012 5828 You’ve been hearing a lot about Ireland over the past few weeks. It happens every year around this time. It is a given that the people are most warm and friendly, with a gentle sense of humour, that the landsc...
Florida’s Riviera: Sunny Isles Beach mikecohen April 1, 2012 5443 Spotlight on Travel - Mike Cohen SUNNY ISLES: I recently visited South Florida for my first time in more than two years. Whereas I am used to going there over the Christmas holidays, this time my family an...
Belgium – a foodie’s delight The Montrealer March 1, 2012 6977 Vacation time is not the time to think about diets. It’s time to enjoy life and splurge on calories. Flanders, the northern part of Belgium, is the perfect place to feast on real fool. You can dine, slurp and d...
New York City: shopping, Broadway and fine dining mikecohen March 1, 2012 5259 NEW YORK CITY - There is no question that New York City remains one of the most exciting destinations in the world. When my family and I travelled there recently, it marked our first trip to the Big Apple in si...
Vermont: Nature’s Playground Julie Kalan March 1, 2012 6849 Shortly before sunset, up atop Sterling Mountain, beyond the fogs of condensation that cloud my view with each exhalation, the perfectly snow-frosted trees stand out against the pale whisper pink sky. After enj...