COVID–19 Retirements: Is it time to retire? Can I afford to retire? Lynn MacNeil February 15, 2021 1417 Managing Your Money During the past few months, I have had an unusual number of clients ask me about retiring. Not in terms of retirement planning, but as in… retiring, now! ASAP! This is probably not too s...
Home is where the heart is – Retirement Living Lynn MacNeil July 12, 2019 1913 Managing Your Money Retirement Living Special Event: Navigating Life Transitions - Trends in Downsizing, Senior Living, and Home Care Contact Tania for more info: 514-981-5795 There comes a time ...
Reduce Taxes in your Pre and Post Retirement Life Lynn MacNeil March 12, 2013 4727 Q: My wife is retired already and I am planning to retire in the next two years. What can we do to save taxes either now or after I retire? A: The number one expense for nearly every Canadian is … taxes. Ho...