Mike’s Ottawa Resto Notes: Ember, Red Lobster, Cindy’s and Dinty’s in Aylmer mikecohen January 27, 2025 789 One of Ottawa’s newest restaurants is Ember, which opened at 92 Clarence Street in the Byward Market last June. It can accommodate 105 people in the multi-level dining room, with a front patio for 44 and anothe...
Groupe Grandio’s has another gem of a restaurant in Chez Lionel mikecohen January 25, 2025 409 MtlRestoRap Groupe Grandio made its biggest headlines in recent years with the acquisition of iconic steakhouses Moishes and Gibbys. But the highly successful culinary operation has a host of other dining esta...
Woven Histories – a new textile exhibition in Ottawa LiveEvents December 17, 2024 869 The National Gallery of Canada (NGC) presents Woven Histories: Textiles and Modern Abstraction A new major exhibition at the National Gallery of Canada (NGC) opens up an undiscovered chapter of art history: Wov...
Visiting Ottawa anytime soon? Here are my latest tips on the dining scene mikecohen September 25, 2024 880 MtlRestoRap OTTAWA- The culinary scene in our nation’s capital is in full bloom, with a thriving community of Ottawa chefs and diverse restaurants making names for themselves both at home and abroad. Here are ...
Epicurean Ottawa Where to Eat Now in the Nation’s Capital Michele Peterson July 15, 2024 1393 A Taste for Travel Before a recent weekend in Ottawa, my last experience with cloudberries, cranberries, and wild chamomile was during a foraging expedition near Churchill on the shores of Hudson Bay. There, w...
Mike’s Ottawa Resto Notes: Big Rig Kitchen and Brewery and Ralph & Sons Diner mikecohen January 25, 2024 982 OTTAWA - Montreal-based Foodtastic, one of Canada’s leading restaurant franchisors, purchased Big Rig Brewery and Big Rig Restaurants (www.bigrigbrew.com) back in 2019. There are presently four locations in the...
Mike’s Resto Notes: Kettlemans Bagel officially opens its first Montreal location mikecohen February 24, 2023 2305 For family reasons I have been going back and forth to Ottawa on a regular basis for the past year and a half. I absolutely love the nation’s capital, notably its restaurant scene. My discovery of Kettlemans Ba...
Montrealers continue flocking to the nearest Red Lobster in Ottawa mikecohen April 19, 2022 5212 MtlRestoRap Ask me which restaurant brand I miss most in Montreal and I will always name Red Lobster, which mysteriously disappeared from Quebec back in 1997. Red Lobster still operates in four Canadian p...
Popular Ontario burger chain The Works is Montreal-owned mikecohen February 28, 2022 3976 Mike’s Resto Notes As a foodie, I love the Ottawa restaurant scene. High on my list is The Works Craft Burgers & Beer (www.worksburger.com). Open since 2001, this wildly popular and award-winning full-se...
RestoNotes: Milestones Grill + Bar set to open first two Quebec locations in 2022 mikecohen January 26, 2022 4550 OTTAWA - When Montreal-based Foodtastic purchased the Milestones Grill + Bar restaurant chain (www.milestonesrestaurants.com) last summer, with plans to finally debut franchises in Quebec, I got pretty excited....