Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines linda.hammerschmid March 18, 2017 6180 Ask the Hammer In 2005 the Feds tasked 2 professors to prepare guidelines to determine levels of spousal support that could be payable under certain scenarios. Practical Case/Formula (From the Spousal...
Systemic Legal Racism linda.hammerschmid February 28, 2017 5091 Ask the Hammer Recently the issue of racism in legal circles was taken up by the Legal Profession’s regulatory body in Ontario. Moreover, the Law Society of Upper Canada is set to examine measures that wo...
A Year in Review – you can’t make this stuff up! linda.hammerschmid January 27, 2017 3531 Ask the Hammer Every now and then I like to share my bewilderment over subjects I have heard or read about, or seen during the year. By themselves they don’t necessarily make for single columns, but the en...
My Pendulum Theory linda.hammerschmid December 22, 2016 3247 Ask the Hammer Always, for the last column of the year, it is a struggle to pick one topic. On the one hand it is the Holiday Season, so the column should inspire joy, warm thoughts, generosity, family, pl...
Bah Humbug – it’s all about speed, not Justice linda.hammerschmid November 7, 2016 4408 Ask the Hammer When the dictum from on high is how fast files get through the system rather than placing the importance on actual justice and the rights of the parties we can say “SOMETHIN’S BROKE”! As ...
A different point-of-view concerning the ban of dangerous dog breeds Barbara Kay October 20, 2016 4649 National Post columnist Barbara Kay responds to The Montrealer columnist Linda Hammerschmid’s September 2016 article The September issue of The Montrealer featured a column by family lawyer Linda Hammerschild,...
Banning dog breeds – knee “jerk” political decisions linda.hammerschmid September 15, 2016 4135 The most aggressive breed, one study found, was the Dachshund. The researchers discovered that one in five have bit or attempted to bite a stranger, and one in twelve has lashed out at their owners. Chihuahuas ...
How many massacres in the US before gun control? linda.hammerschmid August 18, 2016 5308 It seems that this column must address the latest gun deaths in Orlando, Florida particularly since I was in the sunshine State at the time. June 10th brought news of the fatal shootings at a concert, perpet...
Why Sometimes Winning is Losing linda.hammerschmid July 6, 2016 4020 As we now know in 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5 to 4 decision, pronounced that all “gay” couples in the U.S. have obtained the right to be equal under the law to marry, thereby enshrining the same spousa...
How low can scammers go? linda.hammerschmid June 18, 2016 31151 “Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto” Never do I cease to be amazed by the sheer audacity of the human race in its creativity for frauding the gullible public. Laughing sadly, I read those snippets in ...