Lynn Hebért’s Story: Why Women’s Heart Health Matters Tara Simonetta Mann February 22, 2022 2079 Lynn Hebért had a heart attack when she was just 43 years old. The day it happened, Lynn had numbness up her arm and in her jaw. Her husband Michael, a pediatrician, recognized the symptoms and immediately d...
Social workers personalize the health care journey Tara Simonetta Mann January 22, 2022 1628 The stress and anxiety of illness can turn a person’s world upside down. From tests and procedures to waiting for results and wondering what comes next, the journey that lies ahead can be daunting. Helene Jones...
Bill’s story: a life transformed by a new heart Tara Simonetta Mann December 9, 2021 2777 In 2019, Bill Hastings was fading away. After years of struggling with end-stage heart failure, everything was difficult for the 62-year-old. Breathing, moving, walking up a flight of stairs. Bill’s heart wa...
Dr. Donald Vinh – Montreal physician and world-renowned researcher contributes to the fight against COVID-19 Peter Kerr December 1, 2021 7234 Dr. Donald Vinh is a talented medical researcher and practicing physician who is recognized as one of North America’s leading epidemiologists. In 2020 Dr. Vinh was the Canadian lead researcher who identified a ...
Beloved MUHC breast cancer surgeon pledges to shave his head Tara Simonetta Mann October 11, 2021 2896 Breast cancer surgeon Dr. Sarkis Meterissian is shaving his head to better the lives of his patients. But first, he will dye his long gray hair pink, all in the name of supporting the Breast Clinic Wellness Pro...
Dana Massaro is building her family’s legacy Tara Simonetta Mann August 15, 2021 3245 Dana Massaro lost her husband and soulmate, Ken Verdoni, in 2011 after a seven-year battle with cancer. Ken had colorectal cancer, which metastasized to his liver and lungs. Once the cancer has spread in this w...
First-of-its-kind surgery performed in Montreal Tara Simonetta Mann July 16, 2021 5028 This past spring, the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) was the first hospital in Canada to perform a new surgery. Dr. Jacqueline Joza, cardiac electrophysiologist, led a procedure that involved programmin...
Shawnea Roberts speaks up for those with unexplained illness Tara Simonetta Mann June 9, 2021 2792 Imagine you are ill, and your doctor cannot explain why. You go through test after test and see numerous specialists, but not one can explain what is causing your symptoms. You remain sick, always knowing somet...
Young woman’s wish granted by generous donors to the MUHC Foundation Tara Simonetta Mann May 9, 2021 2679 Kirandeep Kaur came to Canada to study business. A strong and determined young woman, she and her husband Baljeet Singh Sidhu left their family in India to begin a life together in Canada. Their story is a hope...
Monique’s story: a life cut short by a silent killer Tara Simonetta Mann April 5, 2021 4434 Monique Girard-Solomita led a happy, adventurous life. A journalist with Le Journal de Montreal for thirty years, the proud Lac Saint-Jean native travelled the world, reporting on stories in countries from Chin...