OSM Announces the Fall 2020 Season

THE OSM AS NEVER SEEN BEFORE Unveiling of fall concerts As gatherings of up to 250 people are now permitted, the OSM is delighted to be gradually reconnecting with its audience at the Maison symphonique, be...
Classical Flight

OSM’s Classical Flight – August 5, 2020

OSM’s Classical Flight BENEFIT CONCERT IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR VEHICLE YUL Montreal-Trudeau Airport - Parking lot P-5 Jacques Lacombe, conductor After several months of absence on the stage, the OSM i...
Summer in the City

Summer in the City with the OSM

Summer in the City with the OSM Surprise performances near you! The Orchestre symphonique de Montréal has always been an essential part of the great tradition of summer festivities in Montreal. This summer is...

Rendezvous with the OSM

Rendezvous with the OSM Back home at the Maison symphonique Music can once again be heard at the Maison symphonique! A group of OSM musicians took to the stage this Monday and Tuesday for a closed-door rehear...
Brahms Enticing Second Symphony

Brahms – March 14-15, 2020 Maison Symphonique

Brahms' Enticing Second Symphony Effective Immediately, Place des Arts Suspends Activities until April 12. An epic spirit directly from Russia will sweep through the Maison symphonique when Shostakovich’s...