What to expect for 2023

Managing Your Money Good riddance 2022! It may have been a good year in other ways, but from an investment perspective, it was horrible. 2022 was the worst outlier year since 1872 when we look at a combinatio...

Welcome to 2023! – Start it off Right

Managing Your Money I love the beginning of a new year! I feel like I have a clean slate to set new goals and leave behind what I don’t want to carry forward. Undoubtedly, when most people set goals for the up...
Financial Planning checklist

Making a List and Checking it Twice

Managing Your Money ‘Tis the time of year when many people make lists – gift lists, guest lists, New Year’s resolution lists. I’m always encouraging my kids to make lists. I love lists! To-do lists. Task lists....

Is it time to consider GICs?

Managing Your Money With the stock and bond markets continuing to spook many investors, some are asking themselves if GICs might be a good option. This month we’ll take a look at GICs and when they should be co...
protect your wealth

How portfolio innovation can protect your wealth

Managing Your Money It’s no secret that institutional managers are the “smart money” investors that lead the trends in investment management. That’s why retail investors (i.e. most people) should look to these...
Panic Selling!

Panic Selling!

Managing Your Money If you have watched your recent investment statements with a sinking heart, I want you to know that I understand. I understand the feelings of fear and frustration that some people are exper...