Stephan Moccio

Stephan Moccio – October 3, 2024

Stephan Moccio, the globally acclaimed pianist and composer, channels raw emotional expression through his music, captivating audiences worldwide. One of the most compelling writers in music today, Stephan Moc...

Kings of Leon – October 2, 2024

KINGS OF LEON Can We Please Have Fun tour With Special Guest: Phantogram Since their debut in 2003, Kings of Leon (Caleb (guitar/vocals), Nathan (drums), Jared (bass) and Matthew Followill (guitar)) has releas...
France Beaudoin with the OSM: Live from the Maison symphonique

France Beaudoin with the OSM – October 1-3, 2024

Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (OSM) presents France Beaudoin with the OSM: Live from the Maison symphonique What happens when media host France Beaudoin has carte blanche to showcase the songs and the artis...
Violinist Roseanne Philippens to perform with the OSM

Vivaldi and Piazzolla – September 29, 2024

Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (OSM) presents The Seasons of Vivaldi and Piazzolla Venice and Buenos Aires: together, Vivaldi’s Baroque-era panache and Piazzolla’s Argentinian tango join in a dialogue that s...