Justice isn’t blind – but it really should be! linda.hammerschmid November 18, 2017 3256 Ask the Hammer A long overdue apology to Stella Liebeck Sure, we all read or listen to news reports about events that contain factoids which may, or may not, be true. And those facts may remain with you, as p...
To whom go the spoils? linda.hammerschmid August 24, 2017 4394 Ask the Hammer Sometime ago I wrote an article about Wills (November 2014). Due to recent stories in the news, or from callers-in to Dr. Laurie Betito’s “Passion” radio show, further examination of the is...
Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines linda.hammerschmid March 18, 2017 6160 Ask the Hammer In 2005 the Feds tasked 2 professors to prepare guidelines to determine levels of spousal support that could be payable under certain scenarios. Practical Case/Formula (From the Spousal...
My Pendulum Theory linda.hammerschmid December 22, 2016 3233 Ask the Hammer Always, for the last column of the year, it is a struggle to pick one topic. On the one hand it is the Holiday Season, so the column should inspire joy, warm thoughts, generosity, family, pl...
Bah Humbug – it’s all about speed, not Justice linda.hammerschmid November 7, 2016 4296 Ask the Hammer When the dictum from on high is how fast files get through the system rather than placing the importance on actual justice and the rights of the parties we can say “SOMETHIN’S BROKE”! As ...
Access to Justice – Bah Humbug! linda.hammerschmid October 24, 2016 3312 A revealing look at the ponderous and time-consuming judicial system Inspired by National Post columnist, Christie Blatchford, and her take on justice in her article “How I fell out of love with our justice sy...
How low can scammers go? linda.hammerschmid June 18, 2016 31109 “Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto” Never do I cease to be amazed by the sheer audacity of the human race in its creativity for frauding the gullible public. Laughing sadly, I read those snippets in ...
Can’t explain Family Law in 500 words (but I’ll try) linda.hammerschmid March 19, 2016 6871 No matter how diligent one intends to be, an article on Family Law cannot be 100% comprehensive in its explanation of any given topic. The real trouble starts when the lay person reads someone’s take on an i...
Survivor Benefits: the gifts that keep on giving? linda.hammerschmid July 3, 2015 6692 Last month, on the Dr. Laurie’s CJAD Radio Show “Passion”, a caller inquired whether or not non married couples benefit from Survivor Pensions and if their children were eligible for Orphan Benefits. There a...
Why smoke is still getting in our eyes linda.hammerschmid June 7, 2015 7799 I was planning to write a letter to The Gazette about the article “Bar Owners’ group Vows to fight Quebec Smoking Ban on Terrasses” that appeared in the Saturday, May 2nd, edition, written by Geoffrey Vendevill...