Helping cancer patients and their families – one person at a time The Montrealer August 17, 2023 1509 Cedars CanSupport has been helping people cope with cancer for almost 40 years A cancer diagnosis is traumatic. It can turn one’s world upside down. Months – sometimes years – of cancer treatments can have debi...
Non-invasive brain stimulation provides promise for treatment of depression, anxiety Cathy Campbell August 14, 2023 1477 Initial results are promising for a Brain Canada funded preliminary rTMS study at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre For years, interior designer Raija Hilska felt like she was “always dragging something alo...
Palliative care was created in Montreal – The MUHC Foundation is building on this legacy to change lives Dr. Justin Sanders August 13, 2023 1577 There are few events that upend the lives of individuals and their loved ones as much as the diagnosis of a serious illness. Whether an advanced cancer, heart failure or chronic lung disease, such illnesses rai...
The JGH’s Hospital@Home program keeps growing due to its overwhelming popularity Don Sancton August 8, 2023 4618 Erin Cook leads the Hospital’s pioneering initiatives in virtual care, which are made possible thanks to donors to the Jewish General Hospital (JGH) Foundation The survey results are clear: eligible patients ar...
Trafalgar School introduces the Jacqueline Angus Healthy Minds and Well-Being Programme Peter Kerr July 15, 2023 1790 Trafalgar School for Girls recently launched the Jacqueline Angus Healthy Minds and Well-Being Programme, funded by The Honourable W. David Angus in memory of his daughter, Jacqueline Angus, class of 1983. Duri...
Sooran’s story: facing a rare cancer with family by his side Tara Simonetta Mann July 14, 2023 2244 Six-week-old Nika Noroozi has spent her entire life on the adult cancer ward at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC). To explain why, we need to go back to nearly a year before her birth. Nika’s parents,...
JGH Foundation donors fund world-leading cancer innovations Don Sancton July 4, 2023 4162 Dr. Gerald Batist heads the Jewish General Hospital’s cancer care and world-class research team who are making exciting progress against the disease Dr. Gerald Batist, Director of the Jewish General Hospital’s...
The Meakins-Christie Laboratories: 50 years of breathtaking respiratory research Tara Simonetta Mann June 19, 2023 1126 When you can’t breathe, nothing else matters. Imagine living your life gasping, unable to take in a full, life-giving breath. This is the reality for millions of people around the world living with chronic resp...
The new Jackie Aziz AYA Program at Cedars addresses the unique needs of young cancer patients Michèle LaForest June 18, 2023 2206 Cancer strikes people at every age. Unfortunately, when it strikes someone in their teens, twenties or thirties, it comes with a unique set of medical and psychosocial consequences. For teens, a cancer diagnos...
Probiotic being tested as a potential treatment for ALS in Montreal Alison Palmer June 7, 2023 1788 A strain of probiotic will soon be tested as a potential treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The clinical study is taking place thanks to a $1.6 million investment by the Weston Family Foundatio...