Inspire calm and confidence amidst the crisis: Focus on the positives Lynn MacNeil April 29, 2020 2057 Managing Your Money Please call us at 514-981-5795 or visit us virtually at In the span of a few weeks, our reality has become what seems like the storyline of a science fiction movie...
RRSPs: Unusual strategies & uncommonly known rules Lynn MacNeil February 23, 2020 2477 Managing Your Money RRSPs, also known as Registered Retirement Savings Plans, are the Canadian government’s way of encouraging us to create our own pension plans. They can be controversial for those who worr...
Recession concerns among top fears of 2020 – How to Prepare Lynn MacNeil February 8, 2020 2170 Managing Your Money Over the holidays I noticed a reoccurring theme of recession fears. At social events with friends and family it would always come up in at least one conversation. From a cousin hesitant...
“Cutting the lemons”, “Dumping the dogs” – using tax loss selling to reduce your taxes Lynn MacNeil February 1, 2020 2104 Managing Your Money Not every investment is going to be a winner. Buying stocks that go down in value is simply part of investing. While it usually makes sense to stick to the old adage “buy low, sell high”,...
“How do I compare financially?” Assessing how your savings compare with others Lynn MacNeil November 25, 2019 2374 Managing Your Money “How do I compare with others?” This is a question that I often get asked by clients who want to know how they compare financially to others their age. It’s a difficult question to answer...
Genuine curiosity is the key to feeling understood Lynn MacNeil October 19, 2019 3988 Managing Your Money Curiosity is the foundation of understanding. And this is especially true in relationships, both personal and professional. In a professional relationship, be it with your doctor, lawyer,...
Secured returns that AREN’T “too good to be true” Lynn MacNeil August 23, 2019 2684 Managing Your Money Fall presentation: Trends in Downsizing, Senior Living, and Home Care Contact Tania at [email protected] or 514-981-5795 to receive an invitation Today’s economic enviro...
Home is where the heart is – Retirement Living Lynn MacNeil July 12, 2019 1941 Managing Your Money Retirement Living Special Event: Navigating Life Transitions - Trends in Downsizing, Senior Living, and Home Care Contact Tania for more info: 514-981-5795 There comes a time ...
Teens & Money: The benefits of a summer job experience Lynn MacNeil June 20, 2019 1685 Managing Your Money Snowbirds are back. Winter coats are put away. After a long tough Canadian winter, summer is finally in sight. As my children wrap up their last few weeks of school and start preparation ...
The Story of: How a family came together and created a lasting family legacy. Lynn MacNeil May 20, 2019 1763 Managing Your Money It started out as a discussion around financial goals and concerns and spring boarded into the creation of a lasting family legacy. Allan and May Hudson, (*names and details have been cha...