Lufthansa to Munich – a fascinating gateway to Europe The Montrealer October 5, 2010 5954 Munich Loves You is the slogan for this beautiful Bavarian city in southern Germany – and as of the end of this October, Munich is now a direct flight away from Montreal. Lufthansa will be the only airline t...
Queen Victoria – sailing aboard one of Cunard’s great ocean liners The Montrealer June 9, 2010 8208 “We’re here to serve our guests” Queen Victoria Hotel Manager David Hamilton Samuel Cunard was already a successful Halifax businessman when his bid to transport the Royal Mail by ship from Great Britain...
A Mediterranean romance onboard the Norwegian Gem The Montrealer June 2, 2008 6009 Cruising the Mediterranean is a excellent way to explore the history and beauty of Malta, Italy and Southern France Since the Phoenicians began using it to ply their commerce thousands of years ago, the M...
Dutch Treat – Five days in Amsterdam The Montrealer April 3, 2008 4553 Amsterdam is like a magic brew. Its bewitching blend of flavours produces a spell filled with intoxicating images and its powers of seduction are potent. Moreover, the compelling character of Holland’s capital ...
Prague, Vienna and Venice – three of Europe’s most wonderful cities The Montrealer March 23, 2007 4761 A tour of Europe’s three most beautiful cities is a travel adventure that will yield a lifetime of happy memories They are, quite simply, places anyone with a sense of travel and wonderment must visit at ...