Bach Cantatas – March 25, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents March 18, 2018 2751 BACH CANTATAS - THE MORNING STAR Jonathan Cohen presents an intimate interpretation of Bach’s cantatas. The remarkable soprano Joélle Harvey makes her long-awaited return to Les Violons du Roy. Artists Les...
Benedetto Lupo – March 22, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents March 15, 2018 2021 Benedetto Lupo “Benedetto Lupo’s recitals are like the Fountain of Youth: one is certain to replenish oneself, to learn or to witness the opening up of new perspectives.” (Le Devoir). It is a great joy and opp...
Benedetto Lupo Plays Mozart – March 21, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents March 13, 2018 3004 BENEDETTO LUPO PLAYS MOZART Benedetto Lupo has invited Charles Richard-Hamelin to join him in a performance of Mozart’s ravishing Sonata for Two Pianos, whose spirited discourse unfolds in the bold and luminou...
Clemens Hagen – Kirill Gerstein – March 20, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents March 12, 2018 3361 CLEMENS HAGEN - KIRILL GERSTEIN An encounter at the top! Clemens Hagen, cellist of the celebrated Hagen Quartet and Kirill Gerstein, pianist who enjoys a prolific career as a soloist, will meet as a duo to per...
Jerusalem Quartet – March 18, Pollack Hall LiveEvents March 11, 2018 2560 The Ladies’ Morning Musical Club presents JERUSALEM QUARTET Alexander Pavlovsky - violin Ori Kam - viola Sergei Bresler - violin Kyril Zlotniko - cello “Passion, precision, warmth, a gold blen...
Napoleon – March 15, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents March 7, 2018 2280 Napoleon - The Military Figure In the Classical period, princes employed wind bands to entertain them in their gardens, causing composers to give pride of place to wind instruments in their chamber music works...
Allegra Chamber Music – March 15, Redpath Hall LiveEvents March 7, 2018 3348 Allegra Chamber Music For 36 years, Allegra has remained the only chamber music organization in Montreal that performs an annual series of 6 concerts free of charge to the public. Dorothy Fieldman Fraiber, ...
Claude Debussy – March 13, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents March 5, 2018 5123 Claude Debussy UNE VIE DE BOHÈME This immersive performance surveys the memories of Debussy as they relate to such events as the Paris Universal Exhibition, his Bohemian lifestyle, and his family, through dif...
David Fray – March 7, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents March 2, 2018 3509 DAVID FRAY Ever since his acclaimed appearance at the Concours musical international de Montréal in 2004, David Fray has continued to enthrall Montreal crowds. In an interview in Le Devoir, Fray stated that he...
Stravinsky’s The Firebird – March 6 & 8, Maison Symphonique LiveEvents February 28, 2018 2420 Stravinsky's The Firebird Don’t miss this chance to attend a unique encounter between two rising stars who have earned both public and critical acclaim. The OSM will be powered by a breath of youth for the pe...