violoncelle - Stéphane Tétreault

Le violoncelle en feu! – June 4, 2023

Montreal Chamber Music Festival presents Le violoncelle en feu! 8 cellos on-stage! An evening dedicated to the cello with Stéphane Tétreault and 8 other artists from Quebec. Without question, the cello is one ...
WDSF Breaking for Gold

WDSF Breaking for Gold – June 3-4, 2023

WDSF Breaking for Gold An international Breaking competition sanctioned by the World Dance Sport Federation (WDSF) with Montreal now taking part in this international series. This competition is a qualificatio...

ASTROFEST – June 3, 2023

Espace pour la vie presents ASTROFEST Reaching for the Moon Astronomy will be front and center this June 3rd as Espace pour la vie brings back its annual Planétarium-focused event. This year, the team is going ...
The Flick

The Flick – May 31 to June 11, 2023

Persephone Productions presents The Flick By Annie Baker Directed by Rebecca Gibian A hilarious and heart-rending cry for authenticity in a fast-changing world. In a run-down movie theatre in central Massachus...
Francesco Corti

Harpsichordist Francesco Corti – May 31, 2023

Bourgie Hall presents Francesco Corti Harpsichordist Francesco Corti has garnered acclaim as a soloist throughout Europe, North America and Asia, and all the way to New Zealand, for his spirited playing and sti...