Triage in the wild linda.hammerschmid January 30, 2016 5572 ASK THE HAMMER Don’t you love it when “experts” and “politicians” decide to play Gods? As if deciding which species should be saved at the expense of others is a Godly Act. There is only one species on ...
Being bugged has nothing to do with mosquitoes, (Schadenfreude below the fold) linda.hammerschmid December 20, 2015 6051 Every Saturday I simultaneously look forward and dread reading the weekend paper with my first cup of morning java. While catching up on news from around the globe, the dread comes from reading those tiny sn...
Turcotte or not Turcotte that is the Question?! linda.hammerschmid October 28, 2015 6468 I don’t know about you all out there but I find it very difficult to believe that a medical specialist (i.e. a doctor) can’t succeed a suicide attempt if that is really the end goal. Firstly, a disclaimer, I...
Universal Child Care Benefits AKA Buying Votes linda.hammerschmid September 28, 2015 5466 To adhere to an Action Plan that is, at its premise, unfair is ludicrous. The recently unveiled Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB) of the Canada Action Plan is inherently just that, unfair, inequitable and ...
Of Mice And Men linda.hammerschmid September 15, 2015 6849 I was reading a column by Dr. Joe Schwarcz recently and his resumé of the position of Woodrow Monte, an “Internet vocal”, made me reflect on the worldwide campaign by such groups as PETA to eliminate “medical” ...
Are you “Mad as Hell” yet? linda.hammerschmid August 4, 2015 6056 Well I have been for sometime now over stories I read in print media or hear on radio and TV. I’m sure many of you, like myself, feel helpless to deal with the numerous “faits accomplis” we are recipients of ev...
Survivor Benefits: the gifts that keep on giving? linda.hammerschmid July 3, 2015 6728 Last month, on the Dr. Laurie’s CJAD Radio Show “Passion”, a caller inquired whether or not non married couples benefit from Survivor Pensions and if their children were eligible for Orphan Benefits. There a...
Why smoke is still getting in our eyes linda.hammerschmid June 7, 2015 7854 I was planning to write a letter to The Gazette about the article “Bar Owners’ group Vows to fight Quebec Smoking Ban on Terrasses” that appeared in the Saturday, May 2nd, edition, written by Geoffrey Vendevill...
Can We Learn From Our Past? linda.hammerschmid May 6, 2015 6366 Can We Learn From Our Past? Why, year after year, decade after decade, do we read of the same problems that befall us? Why do we not learn from the past? The above quote surely answers these questions as we se...
2014: Tax deductible legal fees linda.hammerschmid March 28, 2015 6573 Ask The Hammer Every year I come across a certain number of people who have been through Family Law proceedings and are not aware that they may be entitled to a tax deduction for the legal fees, or a portion...