Charitable foundations are overdue to do better; it is time for the Federal Government to step in John Hallward March 18, 2021 1843 We have been witnessing a growing “charity gap” in Canada for many years. Charities are struggling to raise money, while demand for their services has been rising. So, why are we allowing foundations to accumul...
Philanthropy begins at home: Moving from guilt to the “giver’s high” John Hallward May 15, 2016 5956 Fundraisers call it the “giver’s high”. Whether you give $50 or $5,000 to charity each year, it should give you a proud, warm feeling of ‘doing good’. However, almost all of us have experienced the opposite: t...
Congratulations – YOU have won the Ovarian Lottery! John Hallward April 19, 2016 4507 Maybe you’ve heard of Warren Buffet’s reference to the Ovarian Lottery? If not, here’s how it works: Just before you are born a genie asks you to pick one ball from a barrel of 7.4 billion balls (representin...