WinterWorks presents Adventures – Part fairy tale, part gritty-real-life story LiveEvents February 16, 2025 302 An Imago Theatre and Keep Good (Theatre) Company Collaboration, at Centaur Theatre as a part of WinterWorks Adventures Be carried away in a story that is for the hopeful and the hopeless. Part fairy tale, part gritty-real-life story, Adventures invites us to the roots of the Mother Tree in this time of collective grief, to witness PJ and Wendy on the edge of a life-altering moment. This story poses the question, “am I a good enough person to bring a child into this big, sad and beautiful world?” February 25 – March 1, 2025 To purchase your tickets, visit: WinterWorks is Montreal’s dedicated home for exciting, boundary-pushing performance premieres. Providing a dedicated platform for experimentation and artistry that challenges convention, an evolution of the Wildside Festival, it is a celebration of performance that takes artistic risks, asks innovative questions, and explores the very nature of the theatrical form. Presented by the Centaur Theatre, and selected by WinterWorks curator and associate artist Rebecca Gibian along with artistic director Eda Holmes, WinterWorks presents cutting-edge work by established companies and emerging artists alike, through theatrical productions, readings and gallery performances. This year’s inaugural WinterWorks runs from February 25 to March 15, 2025.