Anthony Housefather has a combined total of 29 years of public service at the municipal and Federal levelsAnthony Housefather – giving back through public service Peter Kerr November 4, 2024 1418 Anthony Housefather is a principled person in his public and private life. He has recently been lauded by many suburban mayors for his leadership in defending minority language rights and his opposition to Bill 96. The purpose of the open letter was to exhort Mont Royal constituents to vote for Anthony in the next Federal election. Anthony stood alone in our Canadian Parliament and voted against Bill C-13, which included elements of Bill 96 in the legislation. It cost him his cabinet position, but a decision that could have cost his personal integrity would have been a much greater price to pay. Ironically, Anthony was able to negotiate the removal of provisions of Bill 96 during the committee work. “It’s always been a dream of mine to give back to my community – to be of public service.” Anthony Housefather has spent most of his adult life striving to protect English language and minority rights. Anthony has devoted decades to support his community involvement. During our conversation Anthony explained that he wanted to make a positive contribution of service to his community. stating; “If I’m successful in protecting our rights in Mount Royal riding, then that success benefits English-speaking and minority rights all across Quebec.” Anthony with the Ladies of Rizal at Saint Kevin’s Church Anthony has been blessed with a superior intellect. He skipped a grade in school and attended McGill’s Summer School for Gifted and Talented Children when he was 11. Anthony has earned two law degrees at McGill and an MBA from Concordia’s prestigious John Molson School of Business. Anthony worked for Dialogic from 1997 to 2015, when he made the decision to run as a candidate for the Liberals in the Federal election. The Montreal-based tech company operates internationally in 65 countries. Starting in the company’s law department, Anthony traveled extensively to the company’s far-flung offices; eventually rising to the position of Vice-President, Corporate Affairs and General Counsel. “I really enjoyed my career at Dialogic. The work was challenging and I was able to visit countries all over the world.” “I’ve loved every career, every job I’ve had.” Continuing on his career at Dialogic, Anthony states; “”I loved my job, and in my capacity as General Counsel, I had to know my files when I visited each of the sixty-five offices. I didn’t know it at the time, but it would prove to be excellent training and discipline for my work as a parliamentarian, especially during committee work. I loved my 18 years at Dialogic… every day was an intellectual feast. My work travels took me from Finland to Malaysia and points in between.” Anthony alongside residents at the March for Jerusalem In addition to his corporate duties with Dialogic, Anthony served as a Councilor on the Hampstead Town Council from 1994 until 2001 when the Part Quebecois provincial government forced the merger of Hampstead, Cote St Luc and Montreal West into one borough within the island-wide City of Montreal. “Between my work with Dialogic and my duties as a city councilor, it was hard to have a life outside of work. When I ran successfully for the Liberal riding nomination and won my election in the Mount Royal riding, I felt much less conflicted about my involvement in politics.” “There isn’t a school where you can learn to be a politician. It really is a situation where you learn on the job. My experience as a City Councilor and then Mayor of Cote St-Luc gave me an advantage when I turned to Federal politics. That, and my experience as General Counsel for Dialogic where I was responsible for multiple files.” “My job as a politician is to see how we can better serve our population, whether it’s on a municipal of federal level. The same is true for provincial politicians. I’ve had the good fortune to have a group of experienced mentors who have shared their knowledge with me. Peter Trent on municipal administration, my predecessor in Mount Royal – Irwin Cotler, and others including; Lillian Vineberg, Barbara Seal, Irving Adesky and many others.” Anthony attending a Filipino celebration in the Mount Royal riding “All of them impressed upon me the need to be well-prepared with your files, and I had the same way of operating when I was a working lawyer. In parliamentary committee work and where we study proposed legislation, being on top of your files is crucial. For example, advance preparation enables you to ask the right questions.” During his tenure as Mayor of Cote St-Luc, Anthony defended the city’s Emergency Measures Service in the face of proposed provincial legislation to give that service to firefighters. With the help of MNA Lawrence Bergman, Anthony was successful in having an adjustment made to allow the first responders to continue – quite probably saving many lives in CSL. “I consider the saving of our Emergency Measures Service (EMS) one of my greatest achievements as Mayor of Cote St-Luc,” stated Anthony during our conversation. Under Anthony’s stewardship, the city constructed a new Aquatic and Community Centre on time and under budget – a significant accomplishment in Quebec. “Saving EMS was one of the best things I did as Mayor of Cote St-Luc” Anthony is an active parliamentarian, serving on multiple committees. He hosts quarterly meetings with his constituents under the title of Anthony’s Assemblies. Anthony Housefather’s record of public service Liberal Party Youth Wing as a teenager 1991: Elected Vice-President of Young Liberals 1992: Elected VP Policy Advisor of Young Liberals 1993: Platform Committee for the 1993 election campaign Red Book 1990s: Involved in the creation of Youth Employment Services 1994: Elected to Hampstead Town Council 1998: Re-elected to Hampstead Town Council 2001 – 2005: Elected to the merged city Council of Cote St-Luc, Hampstead, Montreal West 2000 – 2001: President of Alliance Quebec 2001 – 2005: Leader of the Demerger Movement to protest the forced mergers 2001-2005: Served on Demerger Committees of Cote St-Luc, Hampstead and Montreal West. 2005 – 2015: Served as Mayor of Cote St-Luc, for three terms, two by acclamation. 2006 – 2015: Secretary of the Suburban Association of Municipalities. 2015 –2021: Elected for three terms as the Liberal Member of Parliament for Mount Royal. 2021 – Present: Serving his third term as MP for Mount Royal. Anthony maintains a vigorous work schedule, partly because he keeps himself in tip top physical condition. “I exercise two hours a day, and get eight hours of sleep. That’s a luxury I couldn’t have when I was working at Dialogic and serving on municipal councils!” Anthony was a competitive swimmer in his teens and as an adult he re-started competitive swimming in 2010. He competed in the Maccabiah Games in Israel in 2013, winning five silver medals and two bronze medals in the Masters category. He competed again in the 2017 Maccabiah Games, winning seven more medals in the 35+ Master’s category. “The Maccabiah Games are the third largest international competition. Competing as an adult, I was able to really appreciate the competition, partly as a spectator. I wasn’t wrapped up in myself, and was able to take in the experience as a spectator as well as a competitor.” “Unfortunately, politics has turned into a nasty game that is polarizing the public. This is not me; and I believe that I’m stronger than that. I believe that we should vote for the person and not the political party.” Anthony Housefather’s integrity has been recognized and endorsed by dozens of engaged citizens who have made a positive contribution to many communities across the island of Montreal and beyond. “When I stand up for English and minority rights, it’s not only for the people of Mount Royal riding. It’s for all the English-speaking people and minorities throughout Quebec.” We’re fortunate to have a representative of Anthony Housefather’s vision and integrity to speak up for the rights of all Quebecers, from his riding of Mount Royal, across the island of Montreal and throughout our province. Bravo Anthony!