It’s not every day that two philanthropic foundations come together to raise funds for a common cause.

And that’s exactly what the Cedars Cancer Foundation (Cedars) and the Montreal General Hospital Foundation (MGHF) decided to do in early 2024, when they joined forces to launch a major campaign to support the McGill University Health Centre’s fight against cancer.

Jeff J. Shamie, President and CEO of the Cedars Cancer Foundation Stephanie Riddell, President and CEO of the Montreal General Hospital Foundation

Jeff J. Shamie, President and CEO of the Cedars Cancer Foundation Stephanie Riddell, President and CEO of the Montreal General Hospital Foundation

Aptly named Together Against Cancer, this unique collaboration has a lofty goal: to raise $100 million to support groundbreaking projects that will improve the experience, quality of life, and outcomes for cancer patients.

“There are so many good reasons for our foundations to work together,” says Jeff J. Shamie, President and CEO of Cedars, which raises funds for cancer education, research and care at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC). “We’re both associated with the MUHC, we have many donors in common, we already support complementary initiatives, and our missions align.”

Stephanie Riddell, President and CEO of the Montreal General Hospital Foundation, adds: “We also share patients. People who undergo cancer surgery at the Montreal General Hospital are then followed at the Cedars Cancer Centre, for their chemotherapy, radiation oncology, and supportive care services.”

The Together Against Cancer campaign is backed by a powerhouse of a leadership team. It’s co-chaired by businesswoman and long-time Cedars Board member Gwen Nacos, and by corporate lawyer and former MGHF Board Chair Richard Cherney. Its honorary co-chairs are philanthropist Stephanie Rossy, Vice-Chair of the Rossy Foundation, and executive Andrew Molson, former Chair of the Board of the MGHF.

Together Against CancerGwen Nacos, herself a cancer survivor, likes to say that it takes a community to help a patient get through their cancer journey. “Cancer care is all about collaboration: Each member of the surgical, medical and supportive care team giving their best, with the patient at the centre – giving the very best of themselves to overcome this dreadful disease,” she says.

Her campaign co-chair, Richard Cherney, believes that a collaborative approach to fundraising is equally important: “It’s simple: Our two foundations are stronger together. By joining forces, we can better support cancer treatment, care, research, and education and bring our community a complete list of the most impactful cancer priorities.”

The priorities to which he is referring – for which the campaign is specifically raising money – have been grouped into three categories: initiatives that will ensure that people of all ages, and from all regions of Quebec, have equal access to the best care and support; next-generation technologies, equipment, and research that will make cancer treatments more personalized, precise and effective; and groundbreaking initiatives that will revolutionize cancer research and surgery.

“Working with medical leaders, we selected the most promising projects that show incredible potential to improve the outcomes for patients,” says Stephanie Riddell. “They range from specialized programs to better support adolescent and young adult cancer patients, to leading-edge research programs that will change the way that cancer is treated.”

As a result, there’s something in the Together Against Cancer campaign to interest everyone. “This campaign will inspire those who want to support patient-facing, hands-on, whole-person care; those who want to see equal access to the best treatments; those who want support technology and equipment; and those who are interested in education, innovation, and research,” adds Jeff J. Shamie.

Together Against Cancer Campaign At-a-Glance

Equal access to the best care and support
Where you live shouldn’t determine your chances of surviving cancer. Survival rates for cancer are lower for those living outside of Montréal. Together we can give better access to the best care and support for patients from the Gaspé to Gatineau, from southern Québec to Nunavik.

Personalized, precision cancer care
Imagine if we knew which drug would destroy your specific cancer, without having to test different drugs on you to find out. Imagine a future where radiation therapy is so precise it has no side effects. Give your best to make this future a reality today.

Life-changing innovation and research
Imagine if even major cancer operations were day surgeries. Imagine if we could prevent cancer from ever metastasizing. With your help, this future is becoming a reality today. Give your best to change lives through innovation and research.

Montrealers are extremely fortunate to have the MUHC and its Research Institute (RI-MUHC), one of the largest academic health networks in North America, in their backyard.  Unfortunately, government funding is not enough to develop new treatments, purchase new state-of-the-art equipment and propel new research programs – which is why philanthropy is essential.

Dr. Armen Aprikian is Chief of the MUHC Cancer Care Mission: the “umbrella” under which oncology treatment, care and support services are grouped. “There’s only so far we can go with ‘standard of care’ government funding. To move the needle, we rely heavily on philanthropic support,” he explains. “With this campaign, Cedars and the MGHF are rallying our community to help improve cancer care, and it’s fantastic. I hope that people reading this article will find a project that’s meaningful to them, and that they will give the best they can – just like our patients and medical teams.”

For more information about the Together Against Cancer campaign, and to make a donation, visit