Danse Danse presents

BOLERO X + Silent Tides + Chamber

Ballet BC is back in force with an outstanding triple bill in which the music of Ravel’s iconic Bolero acts as a catalyst to enhance the power of the ensemble.

Under the artistic direction of Medhi Walerski, this major Canadian company has forged prestigious collaborations with some of the biggest names in contemporary dance. Up-and-coming choreographer Shahar Binyamini offers his take on Ravel’s famous Bolero. A long and unique uninterrupted crescendo; a spectacular celebration of the power of dance and our collective strength, embodied by 50 performers.

Medhi Walerski presents the two other pieces of the triple bill. Silent Tides is an intimate work for two dancers that reflects our relationship to one another and to ourselves—the infinite gates where our bodies receive nourishment and otherness, vibration and energy. Chamber is one of Walerski’s most acclaimed works. Danced by a large ensemble to a stunning score by Joby Talbot, this piece, which seeks to balance order and chaos, echoes Igor Stravinski’s legendary Rite of Spring. A promising evening that showcases the exceptional skill and virtuosity of Ballet BC’s dancers.

Théâtre Maisonneuve
Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 8:00pm – Post-show talk with the artists
Thursday, October 3, 2024 at 8:00pm
Friday, October 4, 2024 at 8:00pm – Post-show talk with the artists
Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 8:00pm

To purchase your tickets, visit: www.placedesarts.com

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