The MEM – Centre des mémoires montréalaises presents

A Mile in My Shoes

Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes and discover the world through their eyes.

A Mile in My ShoesA Mile in My Shoes is a project by the Empathy Museum, devised in London by Clare Patey. The exhibition is a re-imagined shoe shop where every pair of shoes has a story to tell, relayed in an audio portrait of a significant moment in the life of the shoes’ owner. Step into a pair of shoes, slip on a headset, and take a stroll to discover the world through another person’s eyes. The objective? To encourage visitors to explore the experience of empathy.

The MEM is delighted to present the North American premiere of A Mile in My Shoes, in an all-Montréal edition featuring 30 stories that will make you feel moved, inspired, and transformed! Don’t miss this extraordinary experience!

The exhibit is free and open to the public in the MEM’s community exhibition spaces until August 31, 2025.

For opening hours, visit:

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