MusOrgue Festival – On Sundays, June 23 to August 4, 2024 LiveEvents June 16, 2024 645 MusOrgue Festival Enjoy a series of free organ musical performances at the St. James United Church in the heart of downtown Montreal. Presented at the St. James United Church in downtown Montreal since 2022, the MusOrgue Festival exists to promote Canadian music through a unique series of organ concerts. The main church organ is a four-manual, 64-stop instrument with almost 4000 pipes. Originally constructed in 1891 by Wadsworth and Sons, it still has its original pipes. These free concerts, all of which are presented between 1pm and 2pm on Sundays during the summer, are open to all and provide an opportunity for music lovers to enjoy a truly unique musical experience. Each concert includes 50% Canadian content, 50% female content and at least one of the performances includes work by a living composer. The St. James United Church is conveniently located near public transportation and is within walking distance from a variety of downtown attractions. Artists June 23rd – Salvatore Pronestì June 30th – Dr Christopher Goddard July 7th – Laurence Jobidon July 14th – Francine Nguyen-Savaria July 21st – Matthieu Latreille July 28th – Dominic Grondin August 4th – Charmaine Bacon For more information visit: St. James United Church 463 Sainte-Catherine Street West Montréal, QC