Festival Quartiers Danses – September 6-17, 2023 LiveEvents August 28, 2023 1208 Festival Quartiers Danses From September 6th to 17th, the 21st edition of FQD will be held in the Studio-Theatre of Grands Ballets Canadiens at Édifice Wilder, and a few will take place at the McCord Stewart Museum Amphitheater and the Pointe-à-Callière Museum. Over 30 choreographers and dance companies from 8 countries will present their creations, some of which were specifically designed for the FQD. Pieces will centre around fascinating tributes and themes, including social action, body image, identity, virility, the working world, futurism, the burlesque, disability, agism, nature and parapraxis. Over the past 20 years, Festival Quartiers Danses (FQD) has been offering indoor and outdoor performances, screening movies and short-films, and organizing round tables on current dance-related issues, and art-promoting workshops. During this time, they have strived to fulfill their mission of popularizing all aspects of contemporary creative dance by making it more accessible and showcasing it in both traditional and unusual venues. To date, FQD has hosted over 1,781 artists, 438 choreographies, 135 movies and short-films about dance, 26 dance visual arts and photography exhibits, 70 public conferences and meetings, and, since 2013, over 1,000 cultural mediation workshops year-round. Czech Republic in the spotlight As part of its 21st edition, FQD is pleased to present a Czech Focus. The fruit of an exchange between the Tanec Praha Festival and FQD, 3 Czech dance companies will perform throughout this edition of the festival. This initiative was born out of FQD’s presence at the Czech Dance Platform in 2019 and 2022, and a meeting with Yvona Kreuzmannovà, founder and director of the Tanec Praha international contemporary dance festival, one of the most important cultural events in the Czech Republic, founded in 1989. Focusing on the themes of irony, questioning, sincerity and poetry, the Czech focus will feature pieces by artists Martin Talaga, Karine Ponties (Temporary Collective) and the duo Tereza Ondrová & Jaro Viňarský. For the full list of events, visit: www.quartiersdanses.com