Ziggy Stardust – select Cineplex locations – July 10, 2023 LiveEvents July 3, 2023 1161 Cineplex Events presents Ziggy Stardust & The Spiders From Mars: The Motion Picture It is one of the most iconic performances in the history of modern music: the moment where David Bowie retired his Ziggy Stardust alter ego in front of an audience of 5000 fans at London’s Hammersmith Odeon. While Bowie’s decision to retire his beloved extra-terrestrial rockstar persona and to dissolve The Spiders From Mars was a shock to fans (and to the band as well!), it was a pivotal moment in securing his future. Moving past Ziggy was a crucial early step on Bowie’s journey to becoming the restless, inquisitive and shape-shifting artist that would have unparalleled influence on music, film, fashion and beyond. In addition to providing the template for ’70s glam rock, the impact of Ziggy Stardust’s brief existence remains widespread across popular culture, having inspired artistic and ideological freedoms that are still being enjoyed by musicians and the wider creative community today. The band’s performance on July 3, 1973, was captured on film by award-winning director DA Pennebaker (famed for Dylan’s classic ’67 doc, Don’t Look Back) and released under the title of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars: The Motion Picture. A new version of the film is now ready to be screened to celebrate the 50th anniversary of one of Bowie’s bravest and most celebrated moments. July 10, 2023 To purchase your tickets visit: www.cineplex.com www.davidbowie.com