High Adventure: Tales of (Canadian) Rock & Roll Survival – May 17, 2023 LiveEvents May 9, 2023 1071 Book Launch HIGH ADVENTURE: TALES OF (CANADIAN) ROCK & ROLL SURVIVAL by Ritchie Henman High Adventure: Tales Of Canadian Rock & Roll Survival tracks the ups and downs of one of Canada’s best and hardest-working drummers, from early years in Chester Basin, Nova Scotia to April Wine’s wild days on the road—and everything since. Dorval author and former drummer for the group April Wine, Ritchie Henman, presents his new book High Adventure, chronicling his life in music. Starting from a tiny village in Nova Scotia as a young boy who was a rabid pop music fan, he went on to become a musician, and finally a member of some of Canada’s foremost pop groups. From the early days performing at high school dances to playing capacity crowds at the Montreal Forum… his experiences were anything but ordinary! Don’t miss this opportunity to meet the author, hear about his musical adventures and see some of his treasured memorabilia from a life of rock & roll! A free event. Space is limited.To reserve your spot, call the Dorval Library at 514-633-4170. Wednesday, May 17, at 7:00pmAt the Dorval Library1401 chemin du Bord-du-Lac–Lakeshore www.ritchiehenman.com