Trio Fibonacci – The spirit of France – December 2, 2022 LiveEvents November 23, 2022 1193 Trio Fibonacci The spirit of France Intertwining French Romanticism and Impressionism, this concert takes us into the spirit of the Belle Époque. From the lyrical lightness of Cécile Chaminade’s trio to the heights of refinement in Mel Bonis’ trio, a positive voluptuousness emanates from these works. We are reminded of these two unjustly forgotten female composers who were celebrated by the whole of Paris in their day. As for Ravel’s colorful work, considered to be one of the most masterful trios of the 20th century, it tinges this program with its nostalgic notes, heralding the end of a golden era. Trio Fibonacci made its first appearance on the Canadian music scene in 1998, with the press reporting that “to hear them is to enter into the world of miracles” (Le Devoir, Montreal). Trio Fibonacci is internationally recognized for its brilliant interpretations of the entire piano trio repertoire, from the works of Haydn through to collaborations with over sixty living composers on four continents. Their concert tours have led them to several European countries, to Argentina, South Africa, Brazil and Japan, to Berlin, San Francisco and New York. Trio Fibonacci has performed for television in Canada, China, and Brazil, and their concerts have been broadcast on Canadian, German, Belgian and Chilean radio networks. ArtistsJulie-Anne Derome, violonGabriel Prynn, celloMaxim Shatalkin, piano ProgramCHAMINADE Trio No.1 (Op.11)BONIS Soir, matin for trio (Op. 76)RAVEL Trio in A minor Bourgie HallFriday, December 2, 2022 at 7:30pm To purchase your tickets visit: *Use the special promo code BRAVO to get 35% off.