Harem at Théâtre Maisonneuve – November 13, 2022 LiveEvents November 7, 2022 1068 Festival du Monde Arabe presents Harem In this reinterpretation of the FMA’s celebrated 2005 production, Harem explores new and unique perspectives of the Eastern female body—a source of enigma, fantasy and passion. This daring work blends the sumptuousness of classical Arab songs with a fearless exploration of the quest for Identity. The body reawakens, becoming Ariadne’s thread flowing through a labyrinth haunted by desire. Emerging from horizons where the sun’s rays illuminate only the peripheries, male and female dancers entwine before your enraptured eyes, in a carnal quest to unlock the secret of their being, within the universe of this theatrical and musical harem. Harem is an invitation to the feminine, both real and imagined, viewed from every angle, appropriated by men and by women, conjugated in the singular as well as the plural. A window open to the beauty found in free, unchained and intersecting female bodies! Hela Melki, voice Ilhan Karabacak, Shahrokh Moshkin‑Galam, Chanel Cheiban (dancers) Théâtre Maisonneuve Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 8:00pm To purchase your tickets visit: www.placedesarts.com