The Orchestre Métropolitain at the foot of Mount Royal LiveEvents July 26, 2022 2001 The OM at the foot of Mount Royal – August 2, 2022 at 8:00pm The concert at the foot of Mount Royal, one of the Orchestre Métropolitain’s most eagerly awaited summer happenings, is finally back! The event, inaugurated in 2019 at the foot of Mount Royal Park (on Côte Placide, along avenue du Parc between avenue Mont-Royal and avenue des Pins), fulfills the long-held desire of the Orchestra and its conductor, Yannick Nézet-Séguin, to reach out to as many Montrealers as possible by offering a free symphony concert in a unifying place that so beautifully represents our metropolis! This year’s program, as diverse as it is captivating, reflects Montreal, the cosmopolitan city where richness and diversity of cultures intersect. ProgramAirat Ichmouratov, Ouverture “Ville cosmopolite” (excerpt)Louise Farrenc, Symphony No. 3Barbara Assiginaak, Eko-Bmijwang (As long in time as the river flows)Beethoven, Symphony No. 5 For more information in this free concert visit: