(left to right, top to bottom) Benedict Nelson baritone; Alessandro Fisher tenor; Iain Burnside piano; David Webb tenorWinterreise – Live from Wiggmore Hall – January 29, 2021 LiveEvents January 24, 2021 950 Winterreise Schubert’s song cycle Winterreise, written nearly 200 years ago in 1828, delves deep into humankind’s propensity to feel, our emotional turmoil, grief, loss, depression and suicide with some of the most hauntingly beautiful music written for piano and voice. Artists David Webb, tenor Alessandro Fisher, tenor Rupert Charlesworth, tenor Benedict Nelson, baritone Iain Burnside, piano The concert is the culmination of David Webb’s personal ‘Winter Journey’, a 500-mile cycle ride over 12 days in the darkest month of the year to raise funds for mental health charities MIND and Music Minds Matter (Help Musicians UK). Beginning on ‘Blue Monday’ 18 January, the most depressing day of the year, Webb will depart and return to his home in South London everyday having undertaken a 50-mile ride in London. www.justgiving.com/team/WinterJourney21MentalHealth Live-streamed on Friday, January 29, 2021 at 8:00am. The concert will be available on demand for 30 days after the date of the concert. To enjoy the concert visit: www.wigmore-hall.org.uk