Symmetry: Bach & Math – January 15, 2021 LiveEvents January 12, 2021 1544 Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony presents Symmetry: Bach & Math Explore the connections between music and mathematics; particularly in relation to the work of Baroque master J.S. Bach, with interpretations and explanations by Professor François Bergeron from the Department of Mathematics at l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Gain insights and enjoy beautiful music in this intriguing and insightful concert. Andrei Feher, conductor François Bergeron, host Jennifer Enns-Modolo, mezzo soprano J.S Bach: Cantata No. 82, Ich habe genug J.S Bach: Selections from The Art of the Fugue J.S. Bach: Suite No. 3 in D major Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony A professional orchestra with a 75-year legacy that brings together artistry and innovation in shaping the expression and experience of the community’s vitality through live orchestral music. This concert will be broadcast at 8pm ET on Friday, January 15 and available on-demand until 11:59pm ET on Sunday, January 17, 2021. To purchase your virtual ticket visit: