A Day in the Life – a new video series from MCMF LiveEvents November 3, 2020 1986 The MCMF is pleased to present its new weekly video series, A Day in the Life. Each video shines a light on the life of a brilliant young Canadian violinist or cellist, all winners of the Musical Instrument Bank Competition of the Canada Council for the Arts’ Musical Instrument Bank Competition, as they find innovative ways to adapt their profession to the new measures imposed by the pandemic. All ten artists perform on great instruments made by luthiers such as Stradivari and Guarneri, all graciously on loan for three years. All musicians have chronicled their day, each in their own way, using their own recording devices, revealing what their confinement has been like and how it has affected them. The results are simply stunning; every video gives an intimate, in-depth look at how each artist has coped personally and professionally. These videos are unusual; they are revealing; they are entertaining, and they will touch your hearts by their distinctly human quality. Timothy Chooi Noémie Raymond-Friset Christopher Whitley Christina Bouey Bryan Cheng Emily Kruspe Byungchan Lee Lucy Wang Cameron Crozman Eva Aronian Violinist Byungchan Lee describes his part in the video series… “This video is a cross section of my typical day during the pandemic. As a violinist, I hope to brighten others’ lives through music—even as the medium for sharing music is shifting due to health considerations. This video project is one avenue for connection and empathy, while staying safe. A young musician’s life is filled with uncertainty these days, but music can be a bridge between islands that may have been created, socially-speaking. Let’s not drift apart. To be inclusive, informed, and willing to listen to others are core tenets that can be abundantly shared in our communities.” Discover the full series at http://festivalmontreal.org