Barry Lorenzetti and wife Carine Watier welcomed guests | Marcie Richstone PhotographyBarry F. Lorenzetti Foundation Annual Gala raises $500,000 to mental health initiatives The Montrealer October 10, 2019 9438 Montreal Faces It was a tremendous party at the elegant St. James Theatre for an excellent cause – to raise funds to support grassroots initiatives in support of Mental Health. The funds raised are dedicated to serving Youth Mental Health and Military Servicemen and Women who suffer from the effects of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Barry Lorenzetti and his wife Carine Watier, Lorenzetti Foundation President Justin Smith-Lorenzetti and Foundation Executive Director Joelle Sholzberg welcomed hundreds of Montrealers who donated generously to support the event. Carine Watier (centre) with Jean and Michelle Laurin The Foundation’s mission: The Barry F. Lorenzetti Foundation is committed to improving mental health care in Canada by bridging gaps in the current system. We aim to do so by supporting grassroots initiatives, forging long-term national partnerships to escalate our cause and positioning ourselves as a leader in mental health care. Amélie Hogue and playwright Vittorio Rossi Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Platinum Sponsor Banque Nationale and Gold Sponsor Richter, this Second Annual Gala raised $290,000. As the evening drew to a close, host Barry Lorenzetti announced that his family foundation would ‘top up’ the evening’s receipts to bring the total up to $500,000. Denis Ducharme and The Fundamentals were joined by The Beatles tribute band Replay and other special musical guests throughout the evening. Barry is a strong singer and joined as ‘The 5th Beatle’ for a few songs in each set – including a show-stopping rendition of Hey Jude. In all – the evening was a terrific success on all fronts. For more information about the foundation, its work and perhaps to make a donation, please visit: Denis Parisien, Nadine Dodeman, Nathalie Massé and Fannie Astel (L-R) Dana and Barry Landy with Norman Steinberg and wife Renee Kessler (L-R) Marcello Abate of Ristorante BIS, Vince Amodeo of Ristorante Da Vinci and Barry Lorenzetti Airforce Search & Rescue servicemen from Bagotville, Réjean Martel and Dominique Chagnon Katherine Borsellino, Alixandra Lapkovsky, Jenna Schwartz and Mitch Stein Marcie Richstone Photography Foundation Executive Director Joelle Sholzberg and Foundation President Justin Smith-Lorenzetti Marcie Richstone Photography Barry Lorenzetti performing with ‘Paul’ and ‘George’ of Replay Marcie Richstone Photography