Christophe Rousset – Shadows & Light – October 20, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents October 13, 2018 1807 LES TALENS LYRIQUES CHRISTOPHE ROUSSET Christophe Rousset beckons us on an enchanting journey to the world of François Couperin, where darkness and light dwell in equal measure. Shadows characterizes the gravity of his Pièces de viole, the seriousness of some of his pieces for harpsichord, and especially his Leçons de ténèbres for Holy Week. Light pervades the innocence of some of his other harpsichord pieces, his brilliant Concerts royaux, or the cheerful banter of his Airs sérieux. Founded twenty-five years ago, Les Talens Lyriques is dedicated to the great masterpieces of the history of music, illuminating rare or unpublished works and restoring the missing links of Western European musical heritage. SHADOWS Saturday, October 20th 2018 at 2:00pm Duration: 1 Hrs Artists LES TALENS LYRIQUES Amel Brahim-Djelloul, soprano Eugénie Warnier, soprano Mikko Perkola, viola da gamba Christophe Rousset, direction, organ, and harpsichord Program F. COUPERIN Première Suite excerpt from Pièces de viole Deuxième ordre excerpt from Pièces de clavecin Vingt-cinquième ordre, excerpts from Pièces de clavecin Leçons de ténèbres du Mercredi saint LIGHT Saturday, October 20th 2018 at 7:30pm Duration: 1 Hrs 30 Min Artists LES TALENS LYRIQUES Eugénie Warnier, soprano Gilone Gaubert-Jacques, violin Mikko Perkola, viola da gamba Christophe Rousset, direction, organ, and harpsichord Program F. COUPERIN Cinquième Concert excerpt from Goûts réunis Trois airs sérieux Septième ordre excerpts from Pièces de clavecin Third Concert royal For tickets and information: 514-285-2000 Subscribe to the series – Subscription by phone: 514-285-2000, option 4, or 1-800-899-6873 Every day from 9 am to 5pm or in person at the ticket booth of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.