Dominique Duszynski / Alix Dufresne – September 8, Cinquième salle LiveEvents September 2, 2018 2424 Festival Quartiers Danses presents Dominique Duszynski / Alix Dufresne and Marc Béland Hymne – Dominique Duszynski, Belgium, World premiere Former dancer and coach for the great choreographer Pina Bausch, Dominique Duszynski presents her story and memories from these numerous years spent alongside the choreographer. Accompanied by Japanese pianist Nao Momitani, winner of several international competitions, Hymne is an intimate and captivating confidence-performance. Chutes: Descendre au ciel – Alix Dufresne, Montreal, World premiere Choreographer and director Alix Dufresne works with both theatre artists and actors, producing raw movements that are not usually seen in the world of dance. This time she once again presents great dancer and actor Marc Béland in a touching testament to the limitations of our body. This performative piece addresses the issue of physical and mental degeneration, the disease that defies science and technological advances, inevitably reminding us of our condition as living – and therefore mortal – beings. For information and tickets: 514-842-2112 or 1-866-842-2112