The Echoes of Battle – February 23, Bourgie Hall LiveEvents February 16, 2018 3005 The Echoes of Battle Daniel Propper is an expert on the music of the Napoleonic era. His album L’Écho des batailles is the result of painstaking historical and musical research, rewarded in 2012 by the Fondation Napoléon. This fascinating concert lifts the veil on works that have fallen into obscurity, historically overshadowed by the great revolutionary battles they sought to illustrate through music. Daniel Propper will perform on the historic Erard piano (1859) and on a the Steinway from Bourgie Hall’s instrument collection. Artist DANIEL PROPPER, piano Program Daniel STEIBELT Sonata in E-flat major, Op. 45 Louis Emmanuel JADIN La grande bataille d’Austerlitz Jan Ladislav DUSSEK Sonata in F-sharp minor, “Élégie harmonique”, Op. 61 Ignace MOSCHELÈS Grandes variations sur la chute de Paris Friday, February 23rd 2018 at 6:30pm Duration: 2 Hrs For tickets and information: 514-285-2000