Montréal with family / 9 – September 16, Cinquième salle LiveEvents September 8, 2017 2321 Festival Quartiers Danses presents Montréal with family / 9 9 – Cas Public & Kopergietery, Hélène Blackburn, Montreal, 2008, & Johan de Smet, Ghent In 1989, Hélène Blackburn founded the Cas Public company, recently winner of the Conseil des arts de Montréal’s 32nd grand prize. For the last 28 years, the pieces that have punctuated Cas Public’s evolution attest to the pursuit of excellence in the renewal of gestural codes. Being hearing-impaired, a dancer and expressing oneself on Beethoven’s music. Such is the true story that Hélène Blackburn and Belgian playwright Johan de Smet offer us in her piece 9. In coproduction with Kopergietery, the piece finds itself across generations, pushing back against the borders of silence so that differences are quieted and the body becomes language. Performers: Cai Glover, Robert Guy, Daphnée Laurendeau, Danny Morissette For tickets and information: 514-842-2112 or 1-866-842-2112