André RobitaillePeter and the Wolf – August 12, Maison Symphonique LiveEvents August 6, 2017 2186 Orchestre symphonique de Montréal presents Peter and the Wolf Discover the orchestra through the musical tale of Peter and the Wolf. Follow the adventures of the different characters, each represented by a particular instrument. You’ll meet Peter (strings), the wolf (horns) and grandfather (bassoon). In fact, the bassoon will have a starring role in this concert. You will hear the world premiere of a work for this instrument specially written for this event. The perfect way to share a love of music with the family! Program Prokofiev, Pierre et le loup, (Peter and the Wolf) Symphonic Fairy Tale, Op. 67 Simon Leclerc, Concerto grosso for four bassoons, contrabasson and orchestra (OSM commission) – World Premiere Kent Nagano, conductor C. Colombo, S. Lévesque, M. Harel, M. Mangrum, bassoons M. Sundell, contrabassoon André Robitaille, presentation and narration Ensemble of 25 musicians (OSM musicians and winners of the OSM Manulife Competition and guests) Saturday, August 12th, 2017 at 10:30am For tickets and information: 514-842-2112 or 1-866-842-2112 Classical Spree The OSM’s Classical Spree is a major celebration of classical music presented by the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal in partnership with Place des Arts. In August of each summer, internationally established masters team up with next-generation artists to interpret the works of composers from yesterday and today. The festival’s formula aims to be family-friendly and accessible: some thirty concerts and shows, each lasting 45 minutes, are presented at reasonable prices in various halls at Place des Arts, including the Maison symphonique. Plenty of free events are also offered in the public spaces of Place des Arts. Classical Spree was first held in 2012, and more than 200 musicians take part in the event every year.