Wildside! is Centaur Theatre’s annual salute to up-and-coming theatre productions The Montrealer January 1, 2016 4712 Writers, actors, directors and all positions involved in mounting live theatre performances have an opportunity to display their ideas, talent (and sometimes skin) in a professional theatre environment. It’s a ten day ton-of-fun in early January; and a perfect antidote to winter’s coldest month. Each performance is approximately one hour, and the plays are presented in a festival-style rotation. Here’s a quick overview of several of the productions, beginning with Captain Aurora (who else?) Captain Aurora: A Superhero Musical (75min.) Presented By: Kaleidoscope Theatre Montreal (Montreal) Book, music and lyrics by: Trevor Barrette/ Orchestrations By: Chris Barillaro/ Vocal Arrangements By: David Terriault Featuring: Vlad Alexis, Lee Clapp, Sean Colby, Zachary Creatchman, Nikki Haggart, Saraah Hicks, Michelle Lewis, Jonathan Patterson, Eva Petris, Kendall Savage, Nadia Verrucci, Kenny Wong. In the wake of an extraterrestrial invasion, an A’aru battleship resurfaces, threatening Earth’s newfound unity. Captain Aurora will be our only hope… but will she be ready? Winner! Most Promising English Company, Segal Centre for the Performing Arts, 2015 Montreal Fringe Co. Venture (60min.) Presented By: Bouge D’ici / Produced By: Brooklyn Touring Outfit (Brooklyn). Built And Directed By: Pepper Fajans / Dramaturgy And Theatrical Design By: Chris M. Green / Visual Design By: Maiko. Kikuchi / Sound Design By: Joey Wolfslau; Featuring: Pepper Fajans And David Vaughan Two New York dancers explore their cross-generational connection through Merce Cunningham. David Vaughan and Pepper Fajans bring experiences from around the world into a theatre of objects, dance, and storytelling. Winner! Most Outstanding Choreography, 2015 Montreal Fringe Daniel Arnold and Marisa Smith star in Little One “This excellent company makes every moment count.” – The New York Times. Photo: Kaarina Venalainen Little One (60min.) Produced By: Alley Theatre (Vancouver)/ Written By: Hannah Moscovitch/ Directed By: Amiel Gladstone/ Featuring: Daniel Arnold and Marisa Smith Little One weaves stories of childhood horror and teenage humiliation into a twisted, wryly funny, and ultimately haunting narrative about love, sibling dynamics and life with a psychopath. “Gorgeously creepy, darkly funny … This excellent company makes every moment count.” – The New York Times Happiness™ (60min.) Produced By: May Can Theatre (Ottawa); Written By: Tony Adams, Madeleine Boyes-Manseau, Cory Thibert/ Directed By: Madeleine Boyes-Manseau/ Dramaturgy By: Brad Long/ Lighting Design: Seth Gerry/ Multimedia Design: Log Creative Bureau/ Sound Design: Gary Thibert Featuring: Tony Adams and Cory Thibert Two self-impressed salesmen pitch new products guaranteeing non-stop happiness; before long, however, a glimpse backstage threatens to undermine their shiny exteriors. Can two men who don’t know happiness sell it? “The script is precise and powerful and the duo’s flawless performance is a study in perfectly realized theatrical teamwork.” ☆☆☆☆☆– Winnipeg Free Press. In Search Of Mrs. Pirandello (70min.) Presented By: Marybeth Productions (Montreal). Written By: Michaela Di Cesare/Directed By: Cristina Cugliandro/Sets & Costumes: Liv Wright/Sound: Rob Denton/ Lighting Design: Tim Rodrigues. Featuring: Adam Capriolo, Davide Chiazzese, Paolo De Paola, Michaela Di Cesare, Tara Nicodemo Footnote: “The great burden Luigi Pirandello carried was his wife, who went insane. She persecuted him with unprovoked and crazy jealousy.” Is that so? I will find her. “There’s enough here to convince that Di Cesare is on to something” – Montreal Gazette Elena Belyea wrote and stars in Miss Katelyn’s Grade Threes Prepare For The Inevitable Miss Katelyn’s Grade Threes Prepare For The Inevitable (65min.) Presented By: Tiny Bear Jaws (Montreal). Written By: Elena Belyea; Direction And Sound Design By: Jon Lachlan Stewart/ Set And Costume Design By: Bradley Murphy. Featuring: Elena Belyea Miss Katelyn loves every student in class 3B. She also knows the world is a dangerous place. A well-intentioned school drill is about to go wrong. Winner! Best New English Text Award, Playwrights Workshop Montreal, 2015 Montreal Fringe. “There’s no denying this show’s sincerity or gut-wrenching power.” – Montreal Gazette For tickets and Wildside passes, please call the Centaur box office at 514-288-3161 or online: www.centaurtheatre.com